Friday, April 27, 2012

Larceny & Lace Review

Published:August 4,2009

Goodreads Synopsis:
Madeira Cutler is busy opening her new vintage clothing store in what was once the town's morgue when she discovers an intruder snooping around a bunch of bones in a body drawer. Now, she'll have to dig up more than the past to solve a crime.

My Thoughts:
I enjoyed this book just as much as the first book in the series, A Veiled deception. I loved the relationship between Mad and Werner, and kinda rooting for him now even though I still like nick. The struggle within Mad to embrace her mothers belief is intriguing because it comes so naturally but she is still unsure. The relationship shift between Harry and Fiona was also charming to read about. The characters just keep growing and you keep learning more about them. A few new characters were introduced in a crazy conspiracy that kept me reading the whole time. Annette Blair is an awesome writer and I will definitely be reading the rest of the series.